Welcome back everyone. As promised, tonight I'm linking to the new project:
StingyScholar.comStingyScholar.com contains (1) a
Course Catalog listing free university classes available as streaming video or podcasts, and (2) a
Language Lab index of multimedia language learning sites.
Whenever possible, I've linked directly to the audio and video files. In other words, you can browse classes by subject and "attend" directly from StingyScholar.com. After reading the course description, click on
"Read more..." to access the files. For example, here's an Anthropology course on
Understanding the Human Past. Click on the play button to hear the embedded audio. On courses with video, such as
MIT's Introduction to Biology, click on the links to launch the video for each class.
While the site currently contains only a handful of entries, I'll be adding a new course and language lab every week. Updates will be mentioned here on the blog. For more courses, see the Wayfaring map of
University Podcasts & OCWs.
Know a good course that should be added ASAP? A surprising good language site? Send me an email at stingyscholar at gmail dot com or add your suggestion in the comments.