"The LINGUIST List is dedicated to providing information on language and language analysis, and to providing the discipline of linguistics with the infrastructure necessary to function in the digital world."
Large archives include those for over 100 different linguistics-related mailing lists.

"This site looks at human evolution. Although we greet you with a smile, this is a serious site. human skull Explore our evolutionary adventure from the earliest ape to our modern man and humanity's industrial civilisation. This site looks at humanity 's ecological context. Accepting that we have evolved and continue to evolve, I also look at the long term implications of evolution for humanity. We are a part of the ecology of the earth. This evolution site is therefore included within a larger site, called Nature's Holism. Nature's Holism looks at the mechanism of evolution to establish how associations such as the bee and the flower evolved."

Yep, this page aggregates all of the 2006 lists
A list of the best and the worst that is nearly endless! The fun is
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